1K is 1000 or 1024?
One of the ambiguous things a software engineer encounters is the usage of K(ilo)/M(ega)/G(iga). In the software engineers world, they are interpreted in powers of 2 (1024, 1024*1024 and so on). Surprisingly, the usage/interpretation varies even within various software products. (Internet speed is measured in 1000s, RAM size is measured in 1024s). In the networking world, we ask the customer to configure 9K (as MTU) while the customer configures it as 9000. I came across an elegant solution to this MTU problem by AWS. Before that, I want to share a funny story with the 1000/1024 confusion. This was before a couple of decades in my undergrad school. Internet was luxury, and google was not in the dictionary yet. My parents approved of purchasing a computer for my studies. There was a lot of debate to buy a 64MB RAM or 128 MB ...